Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to Write an Honest Cover Letter

How to Write an Honest Cover LetterHow to Write an Honest Cover Letter18brutally honest cover letter, youve got to read the happy ending. Then, if youre a job seeker, get to work writing an honest cover letter of your own.Lets set aside the much-debated topic of whether or elend to even include a cover letter with your resume and agree that the correct answer is yes. Lets also face the facts- an honest cover letter can help your application stand out to a recruiter who is looking through hundreds of applications. Whether or not you actually get the job depends on your qualifications matching the skills required and the strength of your interview. The ability to show personality in a cover letter is a skill to cultivate.All that being said, here are four tips for writing an honest cover letterWhen writing an honest cover letter, consider the industry in your tone.The tone of Mr. Ross cover letter wouldnt go over well in all cases. He showed an understanding of the culture of the inves tment banking industry and the company he wanted to work for. The voice a job seeker uses to introduce themselves will give a recruiter a good feel for whether or not the personality will be a good fit for their company and culture.Be direct, but polite.Acknowledge the challenge. Maybe you are a bit of a long-shot for this job. Perhaps the competition is particularly fierce. Address the elephant in the room and be courteous in requesting consideration. But dont stop there. Quickly outline two or three ways that show how you fit the job description.Connect the dots.If there are obvious questions a company will have about your application, talk about them. Explain why youve switched jobs every year for the past five years. Tell them how youve kept your professional self relevant during an employment gap. Highlight transferable skills that make this career change realistic.Be humble, yet confident.If you know you can be great at a particular job, but need a chance to prove yourself and learn from others, a willingness to be mentored or to take an internship can turn into a full-time job. Just ask Matthew Ross.Readers, have you ever sent a brutally honest cover letter like this? Tell us about it and whether or not you got the job

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Marine Corps Enlistment Bonus Program

Marine korporation Enlistment bonbon ProgramMarine studentencorps Enlistment naturalrabatt ProgramThe Marine Corps Enlistment Bonus Program provides monetary and education enlistment incentives to attract highly qualified applicants into designated programs containing critically short Military Occupational Specialties (MOS). These bonuses are offered to fill technical fields with high prerequisites and to entice applicants to ship to recruit training during certain times of the year. (MOS Bonus and Shipping Bonus) Bonuses in the military typically are offered at two times in a military members career. Depending upon the needs of the military, just signing up can make you some extra money. Agreeing to go to boot camp at a specific time of the year can add to that bonus, and when your term of enlistment is expired, you can also receive a re-enlistment bonus depending upon the job you have in the military. Some bonus programs will offer active duty and reservist members of the military to actually change Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) at the time of their re-enlistment to fill critically needed personnel needs in some career fields. Marine Corps MOS Bonus and the Shipping Bonus Recruits seeking employment in the military and interested in a highly needed MOS may be eligible for signing bonuses when joining any branch of service. Specifically, the United States Marine Corps seeks recruits that are highly qualified to receive up to two enlistment incentives The USMC MOS Bonus is basically a signing bonus for joining the Marine Corps. To fully qualify for the MOS Bonus, a recruit must stay in the needed MOS throughout the duration of the enlistment time. Shipping bonus ?are lump-sum bonuses at the completion of basic training for agreeing to leave for boot camp at a specific time of the year. The needs of the Marine Corps change throughout the year and from year to year. Depending upon these needs for certain MOSs, open ship to boot camp dates, and amoun ts may vary. Contact a local Marine Corps recruiter for the most current specific details on the most critical needs of the Marine Corps. Typical requirements for shipping bonuses for a recruit agreeing to depart for boot camp are the following If you agree to ship during the months of December and May you can receive up to $3,000 after graduation from boot camp. For the months of June through November, you can receive $2,000. The typical term of service to be eligible for shipping bonuses are 5 years in length, and you should score at least a 50 on the AFQT. Other basic requirements must be met to receive MOS and Shipping Bonuses- No drug use during Delayed Entry Program- No felony convictions- No drug or moral waiver- High School Diploma or at least 15 college credits- Must meet all the requirements for selected MOS option. Marine Corps Re-Enlistment Bonus During more than 15 years of sustained combat missions for the country, with no end in sight, the need for the warfighter p ositions are just as important as the highly technical MOSs for the Marine Corps. Increasing numbers within the Infantry, RECON, Artillery, as well as highly technical MOSs like Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Cyber Warfare, Intelligence Specialist, is needed during times of high combat op tempo in the Marine Corps. Some of the first time re-enlistees in the Infantry can receive $10-15,000, and more senior members can get $25,000 or more as a bonus. Changing into some of these critical MOS can offer a bonus of up to $50,000. Marine Corps Reserve Re-Enlistment Bonus Keeping highly qualified Marines in the Reserves has been a priority of the Marine Corps for the past decade. The USMC Reserves offer monetary and education bonuses for re-enlisting for a specific term of service. Some bonuses are paid in lump sum or spread through the term of re-enlistment in specific MOS. The option to change MOS and gain training in a critically needed job is also an option within the Reserves as wel l. Reserve E-5 and E-6 with less than 14 years of service can receive up to $20,000 if they change MOSs into the careers of human intelligence specialist, RECON, Cyber Security Specialist, EOD, Ground Electronics Systems Maintenance, and various Aviation Maintenance MOSs to name a few. You must complete the MOS school to receive the bonuses if you agree to change MOS during your career. If you do not complete your required service obligation due to misconduct, you may have to pay back the loan unless there are early release programs that occur during your term of re-enlistment. USMC BUDGET 2017

Friday, December 20, 2019

Americans becoming more socially isolated, but not lonelier

Americans becoming more socially isolated, but not lonelierAmericans becoming more socially isolated, but not lonelierAre Americans becoming lonelier?On May 1, NPR reported on a survey about loneliness conducted by Cigna, a large health insurance company. Cigna asked over 20,000 American adults if they agreed with statements like People are around me but not with me and No one really knows me well. The survey found that younger Americans were lonelier than older Americans.But while doing research for my upcoming book on empathy and social relationships, I found that the story is a bit more complicated than this.How to study lonelinessThe Cigna study is far too limited to tell us why young people appear to be lonelier. Is it because younger people are in a normal lonelier life stage before finding a partner and having children? Or is it because there have been generational increases in loneliness? The only way scientists could know if there have been generational changes would be to c ompare young people today to young people in earlier times.The Cigna survey used the UCLA Loneliness Scale, one of the best available measures of loneliness. But just because a survey has 20,000 respondents doesnt mean its high quality. Who were the respondents? Did they reflect the general U.S. population in terms of age, gender and other factors? Without more details about the survey methods, its hard to know how to interpret it.Thankfully, some peer-reviewed studies have examined changes over time in loneliness and social isolation. Loneliness is the subjective feeling of social disconnection. Social isolation is more objective. It includes living alone, having very few social ties, not having people to confide in, and not spending time with others very often.Although lonely people are sometimes more socially isolated, this is not always the case. Its possible to feel lonely, even when surrounded by people. And its possible to have a few friends, enjoying deep connections with th em along with times of solitude.Research finds that loneliness and social isolation are equally bad for health. On average, people who report being lonely have a 26 percent increased risk of death compared to those who are not lonely. Those who live alone have a 32 percent increased risk of death, and those who are socially isolated have a 29 percent increased risk of death.Loneliness over timeOne study tracked changes in over 13,000 college students from 1978 to 2009. The researchers found that millennials actually reported less loneliness than people born earlier.But since the study welches on college students, the researchers wondered whether they would find these results in a more general American population. So, they tracked changes over time in a nationally representative sample of over 385,000 students high school students between 1991 to 2012.In order to measure loneliness, participants were asked whether they agreed with statements that indicated loneliness, like I often fe el left out of things and I often wish I had more good friends. Statements like There is always someone I can turn to if I need help and I usually have a few friends around I can get together with measured social isolation.As in the first study, the researchers found students reported declines in loneliness over time. However, they actually found increases over time in social isolation.This corresponds with nationally representative government data showing that the percentage of people in the U.S. who live alone nearly doubled from 7.6 percent in 1967 to 14.3 percent in 2017.Americans also seem to have fewer confidantes. The average number of people that Americans say they can talk to about important things declined from 2.94 in 1985 to 2.08 in 2004.Experiencing isolationTaken together, this published research finds that young people in the U.S. may be more socially isolated in recent years, but are paradoxically becoming less lonely. There doesnt appear to be an epidemic of lonelin ess, but perhaps there is one of social isolation.Its possible that socially isolated people are turning to social media to treat their feelings of loneliness. This could make them feel less lonely in the short run, but these connections can be more about quantity than quality. They arent necessarily the people Americans get together with in person or turn to when we need help. And people often use social media when they are actually alone in a room on a screen.In my view, future research should try to better understand why there are different trends in loneliness versus isolation. But, since both are equally bad for our health, its important to nurture our connections with others both erreichbar and off.Sara Konrath, Assistant Professor of Philanthropic Studies, Indiana University-Purdue University IndianapolisThis article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Revealed The 20 Companies with the Best Pay Gaps Between CEOs and Workers

Revealed The 20 Companies with the Best Pay Gaps Between CEOs and WorkersRevealed The 20 Companies with the Best Pay Gaps Between CEOs and WorkersWerecently releaseda new visualization highlighting companies with the largest pay gaps between their CEOs and their average worker. The latestSEC rulerequiring companies to publish these figures doesnt always mean that a company is put in a negative light. In fact, the figures also indicate the companies where the average Joe and a CEO arent so far apart on the pay scale.Check out the figures here.Similar to ur previous article, we found our numbers through theAFL-CIO, a labor union with an interest in the wellbeing of modell workers. We placed a photo of each CEO directly above his or her compensation and the median workers pay. We then drew a circle representing the gap between the two CEOs. This approach lets you quickly see which companies compensate their CEOs and average workers at about the same levels.Pay ratios can be a tricky thi ng because there are two ways to make it onto this list. First, as you might expect, a company can pay its workers an extremely high wage, usually in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is most commonly seen in technology companies like Facebook or Many of the other companies on the list are small tech startups. The people who work for these companies are in very high demand, and their companies are forced to pay higher wages as a result. This in turn creates a favorable pay ratio in our visualization.But a company doesnt necessarily have to pay its workers a great wage to create a better pay ratio. Instead, a company might pay its CEO a nominal salary because he or she is already independently wealthy. This would have the effect of artificially closing the gap between the chief executive and average workers. Berkshire Hathaway, the top company in terms of pay ratios, is a case in point. Warren Buffett is already worth about$85 billion, so its not like the comp any can incentivize him with a high salary.The last thing worth mentioning is that companies have a lot of discretion over what they count in these numbers. For example, companies can decide whether to include employees of subsidiaries when calculating median pay. Suppose a company has lots of underpaid contractors doing the real work, while relatively few people enjoy regular employment status. In fact, some of the names listed on our visualization dont pass the smell test. Its very likely they excluded most of their workforce in coming up with these numbers, but we wont mention their names here.One more thing these companies have the lowest pay gaps between CEOs and average workers, but pause for a moment. The lowest pay gaps are still 30 to 50 times the average persons income. For every $1.00 the average Joe brings home, the average CEO on our list makes $38.80. Although these pay gaps arent that big compared to the rest of corporate America, theres still a massive difference in compensation.DataTable 1.1

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Top Resume Buzz Words Choices

Top Resume Buzz Words Choices Lies Youve Been Told About Resume Buzz Words Moreover, theres no strong reason behind retaining the very first accent in the English word. As soon as you have spell checked your resume, take a close look during its general look. In the instance of resume, theres a strong reason behind making a change from the historical spelling. Whenever you havent updated your resume in some time, it can be difficult to understand where to get started. Key Pieces of Resume Buzz Words Include details like the sort of organizational systems you implemented in a former job. The skills section also tells what you are able to increase the company for a cashier and not what youve been doing so long. The Strengths section needs to be positioned toward the peak of your resume, underneath the Profile. The very first big section of your resume is known as the Career Objective. Keywords from the work announcement has to be utilized throughout the resume to reveal the reader which youre capable of being the candidate they are trying to find. When youre looking to land up a job in a reputable business house you will want to get a detailed resume. Technology plays a main part in the inner sales world, and a phone isnt the only tool that inside salespeople utilize. Mobile technology is continually changing, so many businesses wish to employ in-house talent to keep yourself updated with the ever-shifting sector. Resume Buzz Words Explained Consider if its the summary ansicht would be proper for you or just nix it altogether to conserve space and concentrate on making the remainder of your resume stellar. When you submit an application for work in person, you might be requested to complete a paper application. It is essential that you show that youre up for the challenge. Whatever They Told You About Resume Buzz Words Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why If you consider sample resumes online, you are going to observe dozens of distinct formats and r esume templates. Lots of people who have to compose a resume while applying for their very first job have hesitations since they arent certain what information to include and what things to lead off with. If you submit your application online, you also need to have a chance to attach your resume. Depending on the help of our expert sources, here are a number of broad sorts of skills your resume could include, together with unique approaches to express them. Resume Buzz Words Explained Some of the greatest buzzwords arent trendy, and you dont will need to appear far to locate them. Be conscious of buzzwords since it isnt the exact same as keywords. Every term should be spelled out. Keep away from repetition, and just utilize words that you understand. Employed as a project coordinator is a significant role, so resist the desire to add decorative flourishes to generate your resume stand out. Numbers stick out in a sea of text, in addition, it makes your writing much easier to read. Read their mission statement and see whether there are any essential words or concepts you may use from that. Also, make certain the skills you add are the absolute most relevant to your career objectives and the strongest. In the work market, its important to give a minumum of one keyword in your resume 2016, and if you wish to know useful keywords you are able to put in your paper, here are a few of the list resume keywords 2016-2017. Youve reached among the best sources for resume information anywhere. Ultimately, you are going to end up with a fairly complete collection of keywords that are related to the job and your suitability for it. Thus by utilizing clever formatting techniques youre able to make koranvers that your resume is equipped to entice the readers attention to the particular details which you want them to see. Just upload your resume in their system then paste the whole job description to begin the comparison. If your resume format isnt correct the reader might not even observe the info that theyre looking for. The Rise of Resume Buzz Words For instance, you may have headlined 10 events before couple of years. If you want to bring a number to it, dont use your birth year. Youre able to italicize subheadings like company names and dates too. You have to scan lots of resumes daily, seeking the most relevant and interesting for them. Resume Buzz Words No Longer a Mystery As a skilled business analyst job candidate, you know more on the subject of business analysis than the normal recruiter. If youre searching for a rewarding career for a project manager, you are going to need a project manager resume that provides potential employers with an extensive summary of your skills, expertise, and experience. Employers like to realize that you have work experience of some sort, at least. Highlight your organization analysis accomplishments and help it become crystal clear that youre qualified for the varieties of BA jobs to w hich youre applying. Businesses are interested in finding marketers that are masters of industry tools. Employers often utilize Boolean searches to seek out local professionals. They will want to know the level ofcommunication skills you have and how well you work with others.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Summa Cum Laude on Resume

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Summa Cum Laude on Resume The Nuiances of Summa Cum Laude on Resume The examples above demonstrate that youre able to write cum laude on your resume in many ways. Magna cum laude could be second to summa cum laude. however, its a remarkable achievement especially in some hard courses. Some schools, but dont utilize GPA strictly and rather look at a proportion of the very best students for the honors. Doing well in school and graduating with distinction isnt worth as much as experience or very good recommendations a number of years in the future, but it might help you stick out in the crowded job market, especially when youre a new graduate. Only undergraduate students are entitled to degrees of distinction. To start with, a student needs to be awarded departmental honors before they are sometimes recommended for the Latin honors. Things You Wont Like About Summa Cum Laude on Resume and Things You Will A huge company might be hiring in se veral departments at the same time. Its typically a fantastic idea to distribution policy this section to the top, or so the hiring manager can observe these critical skills whenever possible. If youre asking for work at a law firm, ensure it remains formal. The resume is among the main absatzwirtschaft and advertising tools a legal professional possesses when seeking to earn work change. Hiring managers will locate your work experience a lot more relevant at this point in your career. Likewise, as your experience grows, you are going to be in a position to bring the most relevant details. Older experience might also be shown in the Summary of Experience paragraph also. Describe the excellent Job CandidateYou Details of Summa Cum Laude on Resume Its unlikely you are going to have an honors section devoted to school achievements. The honor is nearly always dependent of grades and academic record, but it might also incorporate some reflection of extracurricular pursuits and general well-roundedness. In different fields, academic honors might be less crucial to success. In any close competition involving you and several different candidates, your hard-earned honors just may be the difference-maker you should come out on topKeep the awards related to your job and industry. Nominations from professors and peers might also be required. An Honors and Awards section is only the means to do that. Putting Honors and Awards on your resume can do so, but only as long as you utilize the appropriate ones. A HR employer doesnt care you have five decades of experience as a ballet dancer. As HR, youre the very first impression of the company for potential employees, therefore its important to emphasize good communication abilities. Also note the method by which the applicant hints at how their skills can help the business. Especially whenever there are countless different applicants with similar qualifications and abilities. For more information about how to structure a graduate school resume, take a look at our guide on how best to compose a graduate school resume. Most importantly, be strategic about anything you place in your education section. Your education section should always arrive directly following your header. If youre a seasoned professional, place your professional work history section prior to your education. Seriously, all you have to do is take another look at the examples in the preceding section, and select the format you find to your liking. Employing an online resume builder is a very simple and efficient means of writing a winning resume which will get you through the interview stage. Utilizing a resume template enables you to rapidly attain this. Weve provided a few examples below. The seats are situated in risers. If you arent a student and have more relevant work experience, you wont be fighting to fill space and it might be more beneficial to concentrate on other regions of your resume. Keep in m ind, looking good on paper is simply step one. So crafting an effective resume is imperative to be able to put your very best foot forward. There are times that you will need just a little something extra. However, it isnt really something similar. Individuals who completed their requirements the preceding August, had have degrees awarded, but chose to take part in the December ceremony in place of the preceding May. If youre a November or March graduate, you take part in the next Mays ceremony, following your degree was awarded. There are various Latin honor systems based on the nation. For more information, please look at our honor society page.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Remote Sales Jobs Available Now!

Remote abverkauf Jobs Available Now With remote jobs and the field of technical sales booming, theres no better time to find a remote sales job. SaaS companies often end up with distributed sales teams in order to meet their customers needs, so going remote is a natural next step. Thats not to say its easy... sales is tough and youll still want to feel supported by your team. That said, when companies have strong remote cultures and solid training practices, theres no reason you should feel alone just because you dont live near your team. Ultimately, you dont need to be in a particular location to make sales calls, deliver pitches, or send follow-up emails. And if you have to fly from an office to meet a client, you can just as easily fly from your hometown. If youre a self-starter with a love for sales, one of these remote sales jobs just might be for you Average Annual Salaries for Remote Sales JobsRemote Account Executive/Manager $56,390Remote Sales/geschftliches miteinander Devel opment Rep $59,333Remote Sales Director $82,525Remote Sales Jobs Available Now Regional Sales Director (Remote - Bay Area) Pluralsight San Francisco, CA, United States (flexible) landsee details Sales Development Representative Toggl Remote see details Business Development Representative Remote see details Account Manager (West- Remote) Dow Jones Company, Inc. NY, United States (flexible) see details Account Executive - Channel Relativity LLC Remote see details Account Manager, Student Memberships (Central- Working remotely) Dow Jones Company, Inc. Remote see details Enterprise Account Executive Remote see details Strategic Account Executive - Southeast Smartsheet Inc. FL, United States (flexible) see details Regional Sales Consultant - Remote T. Rowe Price MD, United States (flexible) see details Regional Sales Manager - Commercial Direct Sales (Chicago or remote Indiana) Dell EMC Chicago, IL, United States (flexible) see details Senior Director Enterprise Sales - West - Secureworks Sales (Remote - US) Dell EMC Austin, TX, United States (flexible) see details Networking Sales Specialist - Houston, Texas (Remote) Dell EMC Houston, TX, United States (flexible) see details Data Center Sales Executive - Manhattan NYC (Remote) Dell EMC New York City, NY, United States (flexible) see details Data Center Sales Manager - Chicago, IL (Remote) Dell EMC IL, United States (flexible) see details Account Executive, Commercial Direct Sales (Remote Orlando, F L) Dell EMC FL, United States (flexible) see details Director, Network Sales and Systems Engineering - Western Region (Remote) (Open) Dell EMC KS, United States (flexible) see details Enterprise Account Executive - Wisconsin - Secureworks Sales (Remote) Dell EMC Madison, WI, United States (flexible) see details From Your Site Articles Remote Work Round-Up - PowerToFly Blog Remote Work vs. Telecommuting Key Differences - PowerToFly Blog One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latt er category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot mora to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presente d in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high -paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plagui ng the construction industry.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

18 quotes that (if applied) will make you more successful

18 quotes that (if applied) will make you more successful18 quotes that (if applied) will make you more successfulSuccess isnt what you have, what youve accomplished, or who you are.Being successful means that you are continually pushing new boundaries internally and externally. Youre never allowing yourself to get stuck. You never give up nor give in. You continually live life how you genuinely believe you should, regardless of what other people say and regardless of what has happened to you in the past.Of the few who succeed, far fewer maintain success. By even living congruently and courageously for a short period of time (were talking a few years), youll quickly stand-out. Youll quickly become an outlier.And this is where things get really confusing. The remainder of this article provides deeply insightful quotes explaining why few people who become successful stay successful.Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a mans character, give him power. - Abraham LincolnYou get in life what youre willing to tolerate. Most people are fine tolerating pain and uncertainty. The world is filled with people with suppressed trauma, negative relationships, and buried dreams.Adversity is common, and can be endured. Having power and success is leidlage common and is rarely endured. Usually, the moment someone has some form of power, their ego inflates. They begin to exercise their authority for their own benefit rather than the benefit of those they should be serving.He became so powerful the only thing he welches afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. - Chancellor PalpatineWhen most people find themselves in a position of power, their motivation shifts from offense to defense. They over-attach themselves to their identity and success. Their sole motivation becomes maintaining their current position and status. They then begin creating from that identity, rather than from the future they seek to create. This, of course, isnt actually creativity - because true creativity and art require attempting something beyond what youve currently done that will likely fail.You cant do anything power solely playing defense. You cant act in power if youre afraid to lose what you currently have. Leadership requires courage. You have to be willing to do what is right, regardless of the outcome. Those who cling to tightly to what they think they are and have will lose it.We are kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal. - Robert BraultThe worst thing that could happen for most people is to succeed. Once they succeed, their focus shifts from continuing to learn and expand to replicating prior results.They stop pursuing their real dream and get caught up trying to maintain the small morsels of success theyve acquired. Their vision shrinks to something so much smaller and easier than they initially set out to achieve.We abflug off with such great ambition, assuming that nothing will st and in the way of us accomplishing our goals. And in this great land of opportunity, if we study and work hard, we have an excellent chance of becoming successful. We will achieve our goals. Which could be the worst thing that will ever happen to us. Because when we achieve our goals, we often arrive at the land of contentment, and never realize that if we were to take off and fly again, we could achieve so much more. As George Bernard Shaw said, There are two tragedies in life One is not getting your hearts desire The other is to get it. It is a virtue to be content with what we have, but a vice to be content with what we are. Too many people congeal at some point in their lives. They reach a point where they dont want to change anymore. They become content with what they have become and their belief about their potential congeals like cooking fat getting cold in the bottom of a frying pan. A menschengerecht mind is a terrible thing to waste. Its even more tragic when the mind is o ne that was successful in the past but is now congealing in contentment. - Roger DawsonWhen someone succeeds to a certain degree, their growth mindset often shifts to a fixed-mindset. They stop wanting to push themselves further. They drift into complacency and a mind that was once sharp dulls into apathy.Success is a catalyst for failure. - Greg McKeownSuccess becomes a catalyst for failure because success isnt something youve accomplished. Its something you create. And the only way you can create something of true value is by being a deep student.Most people stop being true students after theyve succeeded, even in small degrees. They begin to rest on their laurels - being so satisfied with what one has already achieved that one makes no further effort.Additionally, with increased success often follows over-confidence and lack of focus. You stop putting in the time. You stop taking risks. You over-attach yourself and look more and more to the past and what youve achieved. You st op focusing on the future and what you want to achieve. You start listening to other peoples ideas and comments and stop listening to your own voice.Success is a suppressant to creativity, if you attach to it rather than use it as a vehicle to push your boundaries even further.I firmly believe you never should spend your time being the former anything. - Condoleezza RiceBecause youve succeeded in the past, you become attached to what youve accomplished. That becomes your identity and security. You live in the past and use your prior accomplishments to get validation from others.You become a former something - whether that be Olympian, entrepreneur, author, etc. Whatever it is, if you are the former anything, it means you arent doing anything now. Youre not pushing new boundaries. Youve lost the spirit of adventure. You quit.The moment you have arrived is the perfect time to start out again. - Dan SullivanThe world continually changes. Evolution requires growth and change. When yo u succeed big at something, dont sit there for long. You can only be new once.The biggest mistake most entrepreneurs make is that they hold on to their company far too long before selling it. Their thick skin becomes thin skin and they dont want to venture back out into the world of creation and the unknown.The moment you succeed is the moment you begin something new. Take what youve learned and transfer it. Take your confidence and belief that you can make big things happen and continue to push your boundaries. Be willing to give up temporary rewards for something much bigger in the future.The way to enjoy life best is to wrap up one goal and start right on the next one. Dont linger too long at the table of success, the only way to enjoy another meal is to get hungry. - Jim RohnLearning is intended to take you to higher levels. Strangely, though, when someone learns something and turns it to success, they stop learning. They stop being hungry. They dont allow what theyve learned t o stimulate their imagination to bigger realms of potential.When youve succeeded at something, dont dwell their long. Nothing lasts forever, and the harder you try to hold onto something, the faster it will fade from your fingertips.Walk away while youre ahead. Look ahead to bigger vistas. Take what youve learned and acquired and direct it at something 10X or 100X bigger. Few people would be willing to walk away from what youll walk away from. But the again, few can see the next huge mountain youre about to climb.If youre the smartest person in the room, youre in the wrong room. - Marissa MeyerIf youre succeeding big, that probably means youre swimming in too small of a pool. You need a bigger pool to swim in. You need to get back to being the small fish who is completely humbled by everything and everyone around you.Dont stay the smartest person in your room for long. Remove the ego. Walk out of that room and start over. Its not about how smart you are. Its about how steep your le arning curve is.To keep up with the world of 2050, you will need to do more than merely invent new ideas and products, but above all, reinvent yourself again and again. - Yuval Noah HarariIf you get over-attached to any outcomes youve had - whether good or bad - youre stuck. If you get attached to a particular identity or role youve played - youre stuck.The world is now changing far too fast to get over-attached to anything youve done or anyone youve been. Dont ever be the former anything. Be willing to re-invent yourself over and over.Always make your future bigger than your past. - Dan SullivanThe only way your future can be bigger than your past is if youre willing to destroy your past for something bigger and better.You have to continually stretch your mind for what is possible. You must be willing to fail. You must keep learning and expanding. In bestellung for your future to be bigger than your past, your focus must be on your future, not your past.Dont worry about your p ast - whether good or bad. Use what youve learned, but never stop pushing your boundaries.Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputations can never effect a reform. - Susan AnthonyWhat other people think about you is none of your business. The worst thing you could do is care what your colleagues think of you. If you care too much about your reputation or status, then any success youve had in the past will not be replicated to higher degrees in the future.You must be willing to throw-off your reputation. You must be willing to fail. You must be fine losing everything youve gained. Because for you, youre not attached to the outcomes or identities of your past. For you, the only thing that makes sense is following the voice inside compelling you to continually learn and grow - whatever that looks like.What got you here wont get you there. - Dr. Marshall GoldsmithWhat got you to this point is not what is going to get you to the next point of success.Thi s is a fact.You cant stay where you are.You must learn something new if youre too get to higher and new levels.Every next level of your life will demand a different you. - Leonardo DicaprioIf youre not willing to become a new person, then you will remain where you are. Commitment to big dreams demands that you become the type of person who can create those dreams. Success is something you create and attract based on the person you become.If youre not prepared to be wrong, youll never come up with anything original. - Sir Ken RobinsonFew people really want to do something original. Theyd rather be comfortable and content. To them, having nice things and having status is more important than pushing boundaries.most people are imitators, not innovators. It takes courage to change the game, rather then merely play it.For the few people who are truly artists, inventors, and movers - you must be willing to be wrong. Again, this hunger and willingness to learn at whatever the cost usuall y goes away after some level of achievement or comfort has been reached.If youre willing to do something that might not work, youre closer to becoming an artist. - Seth GodinIf youve stopped being willing to be wrong, youre not an artist. Youre a sell-out. Being an artist doesnt mean that you arent also a scientist. You certainly dont have to starve. And you certainly dont have to focus purely on the process and ignore outcomes - that form of ego is probably worse than those seeking success for success sake.Be an artist in that you never stop giving you best and most generous and personal work. Be a scientist such that you care enough about your art to get it to into the hands of the right people.Beyond a certain point, there is no return. This point has to be reached. - Franz KafkaWherever you are right now, in order to get where youre going, you will need to pass a point of no return. This will take tremendous courage and commitment. Complete commitment and investment actually. In order to transcend your current identity and take on the new role of your bigger future, youll need to put yourself in a position where going back is no longer an option.Expect everything and attach to nothing - Carrie CampbellExpect success. What you expect is usually what happens. The higher the expectation, the more likely the self-fulfilling prophecy. However, no matter what happens, dont attach yourself to the outcome. Dont attach your identity to what happens.Remain fully attached to your vision and your sense of complete integrity to yourself and what you feel inspired to do.Will you continue forward, never stopping and growing and evolving? Or like most, will you stop at some point and shrivel?Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Eleven powerful habits of truly happy people

Eleven powerful habits of truly happy peopleEleven powerful habits of truly happy peopleWhen we think of happiness, we typically think of things that bring us immediate pleasure - a decadent meal, a favorite book, or a relaxing day on the beach. These pleasures do bring happiness, but only temporarily. Recent studies have shown that true happiness, or life satisfaction, works a bit differently.In one study, University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin Seligman categorized hundreds of people into three groups based on how they pursued happinessThe Pleasant Life People in pursuit of the Pleasant Life seek happiness by looking for pleasure. They are good at savoring the moment and making their pleasures last. These people are often described as thrill-seekers.The Engaged Life People in pursuit of the Engaged Life seek happiness by working hard at their passions. They immerse themselves so deeply in these that they sometimes come across as cold and uncaring but for them, time seems to melt away as they experience a state of total engagement.The Meaningful Life People in pursuit of the Meaningful Life use their strengths to work toward something they believe contributes to a greater good. This greater good motivates them deeply.Seligman found that people who pursued the Pleasant Life experienced little happiness, while those who pursued the Meaningful Life and the Engaged Life were very happy.While Seligmans research is just a single study, it shows that where you focus your energy and attention has a big impact on your happiness. Those who pursued the Engaged Life and the Meaningful Life had something important in common - they were deeply passionate, and they used their strengths to better themselves and the world around them.Indeed, happy people are highly intentional. If you want to follow in their footsteps, learn to incorporate the following habits into your repertoire.Create your own happiness (dont sit back and wait for it).Every second you waste waiting for happiness is a second you could have been using to create it. The happiest people arent the luckiest, wealthiest, or best-looking the happiest people are those who make an effort to be happy. If you want to create your own happiness, you have to start by making it a priority. We work so hard to avoid letting other people down, but we so often do so at the expense of our own happiness.Surround yourself with the right people.Happiness is contagious. Surrounding yourself with happy people builds confidence and stimulates creativity, and its flat-out fun. Hanging around negative people has the opposite effect - they want people to join their pity party so that they can feel better about themselves. Think of it this way If a person were smoking, would you sit there all afternoon inhaling the second-hand smoke?Get enough sleep.Ive beaten this one to death over the years and cant say enough about the importance of sleep to improving your mood, focus, and self-control. When you sleep, your brain literally recharges, removing toxic proteins that accumulate during the day as byproducts of normal neuronal activity. This ensures that you wake up alert and clear-headed. Your energy, attention, and memory are all reduced when you dont get enough quality sleep. Sleep deprivation also raises stress hormone levels on its own, even without a stressor present. Happy people make sleep a priority, because it makes them feel great and they know how lousy they feel when theyre sleep deprived.Live in the moment.You cant reach your full potential until you learn to live your life in the present. No amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future. Its impossible to be happy if youre constantly somewhere else, unable to fully embrace the reality (good or bad) of this very moment. To help yourself live in the moment, you must do two things First, accept your past. If you dont make peace with your past, it will never leave you and, in doing so, it will create your future. Second, accept the uncertainty of the future. Worry has no place in the here and now. As Mark Twain once said, Worrying is like paying a debt you dont owe.Learn to love yourself.Most of us have no problem marveling at our friends good qualities, but it can be hard to appreciate our own. Learn to accept who you are, and appreciate your strengths. Studies have shown that practicing self-compassion increases the number of healthy choices you make, improves mental health, and decreases your tendency to procrastinate.Appreciate what you have.Taking time to contemplate what youre grateful for isnt merely the right thing to do. It also improves your mood, because it reduces the stress hormone cortisol by 23 percent. Research conducted at the University of California, Davis found that people who worked daily to cultivate an attitude of gratitude experienced improved mood, energy, and physical well-being. Its likely that lower levels of cortisol played a major role in this.Exercise.Getting your body moving for as little as 10 minutes releases GABA, a neurotransmitter that makes your brain feel soothed and keeps you in control of your impulses. Happy people schedule regular exercise and follow through on it because they know it pays huge dividends for their mood.Forgive, but dont forget.Happy people live by the motto Fool me once, shame on you fool me twice, shame on me. They forgive in order to prevent a grudge, but they never forget. The negative emotions that come with holding onto a grudge are actually a stress response. holding-gesellschaft on to that stress can have devastating consequences for your health and mood, and happy people know to avoid this at all costs. However, offering forgiveness doesnt mean theyll give a wrongdoer another chance. Happy people will not be bogged down by mistreatment from others, so they quickly let things go and are assertive in protecting themselves from future harm.Get in touch with your feelings.Attempti ng to repress your emotions doesnt just feel bad its bad for you. Learning to be open about your feelings decreases stress levels and improves your mood. One study even suggested that there was a relationship between how long you live and your ability to express your emotions. It found that people who lived to be at least 100 were significantly more emotionally expressive than the average person.Concentrate on what you can control.Rather than dwelling on the things you cant control, try putting your effort into the things that you can. Have a long commute to work? Try listening to audiobooks. Hurt your leg jogging? Try swimming. More often than not, we take the bad and let it hold us back when it doesnt have to. Happy people are happy because they take their failures in stride, not because they dont fail.Have a growth mindset.Peoples core attitudes fall into one of two categories a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. With a fixed mindset, you believe you are who you are and you canno t change. This creates problems when youre challenged, because anything that appears to be more than you can handle is bound to make you feel hopeless and overwhelmed. People with a growth mindset believe that they can improve with effort. This makes them happier because they are better at handling difficulties. They also outperform those with a fixed mindset because they embrace challenges, treating them as opportunities to learn something new.Bringing it all togetherThese strategies wont just improve your happiness theyll also make you a better person. Pick those that resonate with you and have fun with them.Travis Bradberry is the co-author ofEmotional Intelligence 2.0and the cofounder ofTalentSmart.Thiscolumnfirst appeared onLinkedIn.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Study reveals the people that most often fake knowing things

Study reveals the people that most often fake knowing things Study reveals the people that most often fake knowing things Feigning comprehension of any given subject is one of the most recognizable features of the 21st century’s personality thanks, in no small part, to the internet. Namely, Wikipedia: A data-based chalked full with more than enough cliff notes, to get you through a mixer or two without actually having to read a single page of The Selfish Gene.  The phenomenon has many names, as several prominent thinkers have taken a stab at dissecting over the years, most recently  John Jerram and Nikki Shure of the University College of London, and Phil Parker of Australian Catholic University.Together, these have penned a scientific paper aptly titled, Bullsh-tters. Who Are They and What Do We Know About Their Lives? The authors aimed to locate the most common offenders in society by way of a brilliant methodology.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Participants were asked how well versed the y were in 16 different math topics by answering with either: “know it well” or “never heard of it.” But three of the sixteen topics didn’t actually exist: “proper numbers,” “subjunctive scaling” and “declarative fractions.” The participants that claimed knowledgeability in the fictitious subjects, were then promptly labeled as “bullsh-tters.”A knack for hyperboleThe results highlighted 15-year-old boys across all nine regions observed in the study to erroneously claim expertise more than female respondents by a significant margin. Canadians  and American boys expressed a particular penchant for bunk compared to individuals observed in Europe. Moreover,  wealthy respondents tended to feign comprehension more than the middle class and the poor.From the study:“Compared to other countries, young people in North America are found to be bigger bullsh-tters than young people in England, Australia, and New Zealand, while those in Ireland and Scotland are the lea st likely to exaggerate their mathematical knowledge and abilities. Strong evidence also emerges that bullsh-tters also display overconfidence in their academic prowess and problem-solving skills, while also reporting higher levels of perseverance when faced with challenges and providing more socially desirable responses than more truthful groups.”The authors behind the study had a lot to say about the implications of the findings, some of which was actually  charitable. They remarked on how mastering self-hyperbolizing can be a useful and advantageous skill for young professionals  looking to secure positions and promotions.Nicki Shure, one of the study’s coauthors, believes these numbers might, in some way, inform gender wage gaps: “This has important implications for thinking about tasks in job interviews and how to evaluate performance.”She goes on to identify earnings directly, while also conceding that the study was limited to mathematics. The researchers wish to furth er their research by applying similar methods to other fields of academics.You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Performance Review Tips for your Annual Review

Performance Review Tips for your Annual Review Performance Review Tips for your Annual Review How to Ace Your Next Performance Review Your performance review only comes around once a year. Make it count. Have you ever considered quitting your job after a particularly disappointing performance review? You're not alone. Annual performance reviews, when conducted properly, can be a valuable feedback loop and a key driver for one's professional growth. However, when a performance evaluation is poorly handled by either the manager or the employee, it can result in damaged professional relationships, decreased productivity, and low morale in the workplace. Don't let this happen to you. Below are eight tips to help you prepare for your next performance review and make the most of this important conversation with your boss. Document your goals. Begin by understanding what is expected of you. Most positions have formal job descriptions, which are a great place to start. Having a goal-focused conversation with your supervisor or manager can help as well. Make every goal time-sensitive and measurable. Regularly check in with your boss. Most professionals set their annual goals, then place the document in their desk drawer. There it sits all but ignored for a year. Then, a couple of weeks before performance review time, they scramble to dig it out from under a pile of urgent priorities, just to discover that life overcame their formal goals. If you want to step out of that loop, make the time to speak with your supervisor about your progress towards formal goals at least quarterly. This will allow you to course-correct while there is still time! In addition, use every opportunity to have regular check-ins with your supervisor throughout the year. Real-time feedback allows you to correct your course and generate positive results well before the official year-end review. Better yet, when you regularly ask your boss for feedback on your performance, you're less likely to be surprised with the results of your formal performance review. Track your work accomplishments. We tend to get diligent about tracking our wins when it's time to ask for a raise. Unfortunately, few professionals take a disciplined approach to writing down their accomplishments throughout the year. Start a list a Word document, a notepad or Evernote will work equally well and jot down things that you do well right as they happen. Be specific: Did you successfully pitch to a prospect, deliver an important analysis three days before the deadline, offer a helping hand when a co-worker was swamped, or lead a new employee orientation? Write it down now, so that you don't have to scramble later when it's time for your performance review. Related:How to Successfully Track Your Work Wins Throughout the Year Understand the ways in which you add value. This point goes beyond your formal job description. Your actions and attitudes must support your company's mission and objectives in order to be seen as valuable. Focus on what adds value to every reporting relationship you have, and be sure to do those things consistently. This makes you a team member that is tough to lose or replace! Look for opportunities to augment your impact. Along the lines of Pareto's 80/20 rule, 20 percent of your actions typically generate 80 percent of your impact at work. Think about the parts of your job that have the greatest potential to positively impact your company's bottom line, and then consider how you could optimize the time you spend working. For some people, spending a few minutes with their manager every morning brings focus and momentum to the rest of their day. Others might find that coming in 30 minutes earlier allows them uninterrupted time to catch up and meet deadlines with less stress. Ask for support. Sure, your goal sheet belongs to you. That does not mean that you must accomplish all those goals on your own! We all grow and develop in contact with (and with the help of) other professionals, so speak up when you need support. The right mentor or coach can help you shorten the learning curve or find a different way to approach a tough puzzle. This is particularly important if you find that your daily tasks bear no resemblance to the formal performance review goals you chose at the start of the year. Set yourself up for success by getting realigned sooner rather than later. Related:How to Get the Most out of a Mentor at Work Become a model for constructive feedback. Some of us have the benefit of working with supervisors and managers who are great at providing timely and actionable feedback with a pretty bow on top. Others must deal with feedback delivery that is less than optimal. Regardless, it is within your power to step up and model the way. Begin by asking your boss simple questions during your performance review. What is working? What is not working? What can be done? Then, step back and listen. Thank your boss for providing feedback positive or negative. An immediate emotional reaction to a critical piece of feedback is perfectly normal, but expressing it may not serve you. The next time someone offers you feedback, resist the temptation to explain yourself or get defensive simply say thank you for the input instead. This is not as easy as it sounds, but it has the potential to change your professional life. Every piece if feedback is valuable. Some pieces just take longer to process. Professional growth does not just happen in the annual performance review. Sure, the meeting is a great checkpoint and opportunity to measure progress, but the best way to ace your performance review is to ask for and receive feedback frequently. Finally, don't let your supervisor get away with some lazy take on Just keep doing what you are doing! or vague feedback. You should never have to guess what your supervisor thinks about your work performance. Insist on clarity because that is the only path to consistent professional growth. Click on the following link for more career advice. Make sure your resume is in line with your performance. Take advantage of our free resume review today! Recommended Reading: The One Thing Successful People Do to Get Ahead How to Ask for a Raise And Get It What to Do If Your Boss Is Making Your Life Miserable

Monday, November 18, 2019

#8 Bored at Work Check Out these Fun Websites to Waste Your Time

#8 Bored at Work Check Out these Fun Websites to Waste Your Time #8 Bored at Work Check Out these Fun Websites to Waste Your Time Bored at Work? #8 brings you the finest selection of the websites worth of your paid working time. Buckle up! 9gag / Imgur These two websites knows almost everyone who uses the internet. Content is made by millions of users and is either upvoted or not, based on its quality. This makes the content funny and worth it. Zoomquilt This website is described as ‘‘The infinitely zooming image‘‘. There is nothing much more to tell about it. Are you ready to have your mind blown? Essaytyper ‘‘Oh No! Its finals week and I have to finish my _____________ essay immediately.‘‘ This fun website allows you to choose the subject and pretend to write it. We promise it is more fun than it seems! Tholman / Tholman texter Tim Tholman is an Australian developer who works as a product engineer at Tumblr. His website is simply brilliant. Tholman texter is fun drawing editor, where you draw with text instead of lines. You can definitely waste a ton of time on both of the websites. ENJOY! source: Theuselessweb The idea behind this website is simply genius. It is basically a useless-website-generator. Are you ready to visit some of the weirdest and funniest websites of the internet? Snapbubbles Just like anyone else in this world, you are addicted to popping bubble wrap. We know it. Can you imagine any better way to waste your time than popping more bubbles than healthy? ‘‘Have you ever received a gift that came with bubble wrap and it was better than the gift itself? Now you can snap them all day long! Enjoy, as you pop virtual bubbles at Snap Away!‘‘ Do you like this story? Share it with your friends. Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Top 3 Blogs for Education Jobs

Top 3 Blogs for Education Jobs Top 3 Blogs for Education Jobs While the summer heat  hasnt quite let up as August is coming to a close, there is a sure sign of fall on the horizon: students heading back to school. Educational professions are a common vocational choice in my family. From college professors to elementary school teachers, I am surrounded by incredible passion for learning and instructing. Thus, readers who share in the  desire to educate, I salute you with the utmost respect! However, all the zeal and motivation in the world arent  going to help if you dont know where to look for education jobs- so check out these top blogs as part of your career lesson planning. 1.  Education is an extremely complex art. As such its fitting that offers information and help on a multitude of subjects within the broader teaching profession. (The site is linked to USC, so youll see lots of ads for their graduate programs, but its content is worth the plugs.) The most notable feature of the site itself  isnt a specific education jobs search engine, but rather the Get Your Teaching Job  section. This portion of clearly articulates the different components of a successful search for K-12 positions,  and offers links to 15 education-specific job databases such as  Teachers-Teachers! As for the blog, it averages three to four posts per month and sports several different types of articles: QAs, feature pieces on specific educators, educational conference (such as SXSWEdu) wrap-ups, and recommended tech resources. Three key posts: 10 Reasons to Blog as Professional Development Finding Your Niche: Teach100Mentors Talk Transitions 7 Innovative Apps for Parent-Teacher Communication 2. Vitae.  Vitae is an extremely comprehensive collection of resources solely for higher education professionals.  You can use the basic job search function without creating a (free) account, but signing up does offer some nice benefits, including saved job searches. The Get News Advice section of  Vitaes site is authored by a wide variety  of writers, and contains incredibly diverse content. From forum discussions about what to do on the first day of class to advice regarding department politics, the blog is both informative and entertaining. (And frequently updated!) Three key posts: Long-Distance Networking The Sound of Silence The Importance of Writing Skills in Tech-Related Fields 3. SchoolSpring. SchoolSpring doesnt actually have a separate blog, but Im making a curriculum choice and including it here anyway. Instead of limiting its education jobs to either K-12 or higher education positions, it includes every grade level from preschool to post-secondary. Significantly, this resource also produces results for administrator jobs in addition to the array of teaching positions. A good administrative team works with teachers to create positive school climates and environments with professional development, so its important to get quality candidates (like you, if youre looking in that sector of the profession) in those jobs! Three key tools: Find a Job  (Advanced Search) Facebook Page Profile  Form (Free sign-up; this gives you the ability to create job alerts and saved searches) Once you have your target jobs lined up, head over to Jobscan and make sure that your resume aligns with the specific job openings youve decided to pursue. Educators need reliable resources throughout their careers, and we want to provide one for you! Extra Credit: If youre a K-12 professional, be sure to check out Edmodo  once youve secured that fantastic education job. A free tool featuring classroom management resources, the capability to share assignments with students, and a frequently updated blog, Edmodo helps teachers stay organized. Class dismissed!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Study Almost 50% of people in technology are planning a career change

Study Almost 50% of people in technology are planning a career change Study Almost 50% of people in technology are planning a career change Freelancers and gig workers, unite: according to Bureau of Labor Statistics, 16.5 million American workers are in “contingent” employment arrangements â€" everyone from the self-employed to eBay sellers to Uber drivers.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Survey Men prefer perks like happy hours over unlimited paid time off

Survey Men prefer perks like happy hours over unlimited paid time off Survey Men prefer perks like happy hours over unlimited paid time off Do you prefer a higher salary over flexible hours, which would give you more work-life balance? Or the chance to do meaningful work, but at a lower salary? These are some of the biggest factors that contribute to happiness at work.Wrike, the collaborative work management platform, released the second part of its findings from the company’s inaugural Happiness Index, carried out by Atomik Research. The survey  asked employees in the U.S., Germany, France, and the United Kingdom about compensation, benefits, and perks, with at least 1,000 respondents in each country.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!What did the unhappiest U.S. employees say was most important to their happiness at work? Compensation Flexible hours/the ability to work remotely The chance to do meaningful work That’s quite different than what the happiest employees rank as the three most important things to workplace happiness: The chance to do meaningful work Flexible hours/the ability to work remotely Compensation Men and women’s happiness factorsOn the other side, men and women dream about different things that would make them the happiest. Men list management/leadership as their number one, while women list compensation. (It’s easier to understand compensation as women’s top priority, as they’ve been traditionally underpaid across the board across industries).However, men list meaningful work as their number four, indicating they don’t need to be doing something meaningful just as long as they’re managing or leading it. Women, however, and list it as their #2. However, money isn’t everything. Over half of all respondents â€" 58% â€" said they’d taken a lower-paying job that made them happier. Those who took the pay cut for the new job were 63% more likely to be “mostly happy” or “elated” with the new position. While 72% of men took a pay cut to go after a job to make them higher â€" vs. only 44% of women â€" this is most likely due to a gender pay gap. Perks! Who wants them? MenApparently so. The survey shows that male employees dig perks when they’re things/events, mostly preferring perks over money. They even prefer events like happy hours (28%) to more or unlimited PTO (23%).Women vastly appreciate work-life balance perks like paid time off â€" but mainly more money. More or unlimited PTO: 23% men; 34% women Free snacks: 10% men; 3% women Happy hours, team building: 28% men; 14% women Onsite conveniences like gym or laundry: 12% men; 6% women No perks, just money, please: 15% men; 34% women “Companies have long sought for new ways to engage employees and build loyalty with their culture and create happy workplaces with perks, but it’s hard to pin down how those efforts have added up to happiness,” said Wrike Vice President of People Operations Megan Barbier, in a release. ”You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

This study reveals the way we process new information while we sleep

This study reveals the way we process new information while we sleep This study reveals the way we process new information while we sleep A Swiss study published in the journal Current Biology,  by researchers at the University of Bern back in January of this year strengthens research dedicated to understanding how we process information while we’re asleep-the most interesting finding suggests that we are capable of processing  associative information during the brief bursts of activity we experience during light sleep known as sleep spindles.  Sleep spindles are dubbed as such because of the way the high frequency waves appear on EEG readings.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!The value of sleep spindlesThe recent study begins by mentioning previous studies dissecting the extent of learning possible during different stages of sleep; seven in particular conducted over the last four years all motion that simple auditory learning is possible in humans but research on more intricate verbal learning has been seve rely limited.Many current sleep studies claim learning during slow-wave sleep is impractical because the sleep stage “does not provide the necessary conditions for learning.” However, the researchers at the University of Bern in Switzerland determined that humans can indeed encode verbal associative information during slow-wave sleep in addition to periods of light sleep.The researchers behind the study examined 41 young native German-speaking individuals experiencing different stages of sleep during a nap. These participants were introduced to made-up words and their meaning while they slept. Individuals that had the translation reiterated during the “up” period of sleep spindles, were able to remember the associations fairly consistently. The study states,  â€œif they were told that ‘guga’ means ‘elephant’ while sleeping, they were able to remember that ‘guga’ was related to something big when they were awake.”This seems to coincide with previously conducted studies that detail how information is better processed during sleep spindles. A study of 44 individuals given rigorous memory tasks at noon and again at six, showcased participants that napped in between to boast the superior performance over those that did not. That study too belongs to a great many that posit the more time you spend awake the more your learning ability decreases.You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pain-Free Ways to Stop Being a Pushover at Work

Pain-Free Ways to Stop Being a Pushover at Work Pain-Free Ways to Stop Being a Pushover at Work Have you realized that, somewhere along the way, you’ve become the person who will say yes to just about anything? Do you take on new projects regardless of whether or not you have the bandwidth or if the work is even appropriate for your role? Are you struggling to break the cycle without offending your boss or co-workers? It’s natural to want to be considerate of others at work and take on extra projects in the name of “going the extra mile” to show your commitment to your job. But this eagerness to please can quickly go too far. While at first it may have seemed like doing it all and volunteering to take on more responsibiity will prove your worth, in the end accepting each and every request can seriously compromise not just the quality of your work, but also your happiness and satisfaction. Fact is, your pushover tendencies can leave you feeling resentful toward your colleagues and just plain burned out. If you’re constantly working, the likelihood you’re devoting any time to personal upkeep (like getting to the gym or catching up with friends) is low, and the quality of your work, not to mention your mood, can suffer greatly. Entrepreneurs see this, too: By focusing so much on growing their business, they soon find themselves victims of “scope creep”- saying yes to every new client demand and projects so much that it surpasses their bandwidth to provide good service. So, whether you’re running a business or running on low at the office, how do you recover? How exactly can you begin shedding your pushover ways and learn to be more assertive and protective of your schedule? Fundamentally, it’s about learning to better set and manage relationship boundaries and flexing your self-respect muscle. Here are some steps to take. 1. Uncover the Roots of Your Pushover Ways In order to be your best, most productive self, you must protect your top essential priorities from those that are mentally and emotionally draining. Start by identifying the passive habits you have that are incrementally eating away at your focus and control. Think about your average day: How much time do you spend simply reacting to other people’s demands? For example, do you drop everything the moment an email comes in from your boss to respond to it? Now, take it a step further and see if you can figure out the true reason why you’re triggered to automatically say “yes.” For example, are you yearning for more responsibility, hoping that your enthusiasm will get you noticed, rather than confronting your boss directly about a promotion? Do you take on extra projects because you crave recognition? Or, if there is an office clique, do you want to feel included and more like part of the crew? Recognizing what you’re dealing with is the first step to helping you identify and manage trouble situations in the future. Related: 31 Things You Should Know About Yourself 2. Create a To-Don’t List Set aside time at the beginning of your day (or whenever you feel least distracted) to take stock of your responsibilities. For each to-do item, ask yourself: “What will I accomplish or learn from this? How will it help me advance?” Now, as you scan your list, be bullish about moving anything that does not align with your top priorities to a “to-don’t” list. For example, if increasing revenue by 10% in the next quarter is your top priority, don’t agree to take on a pro bono project right now to “diversify.” If you’re looking to gain experience managing junior employees, anything non-essential that takes time away from working directly with your reports should be on your “to-don’t” list. Related: Crazy To-Do List? What to Tackle First 3. Enlist Help Are you delegating as much as you could be? Ambitious self-starters often get caught up on multiple projects, but if you don’t start passing off certain tasks now, it will only overwhelm you when it becomes too much. Start with anything that comes across your desk that’s on your to-don’t list and see if there’s someone who may be better suited to take it on. No one to delegate to? Then perhaps an overflowing workload is a sign that it’s time to talk to your boss about expanding the team and hiring someone who has the skills to pick up some of the work. Related: The Right Way to Ask for Help at Work 4. Practice What You Preach- in the Moment This is the hardest part, because saying “no” to others’ demands can feel uncomfortable and unfamiliar at first. But it’s also the most important. Next time you’re asked to take on a project that falls outside the boundaries you’ve identified, you need to say no and stick to it. Not the next time it happens, not most of the time, but right now. If it’s something you’re struggling to say no to- say, a request from your manager- ask questions and look for ways to compromise. For example, if your boss asks you to work on a Saturday when you’d planned to go visit your parents, first try to understand why he may want the project done ASAP. If you’re not sure, ask. Then, when sticking to your boundaries, make the explanation about the business, not about you. Do recommend an alternative for how the project can be completed (for example, “Saturday won’t work, but I will clear my schedule on Monday morning because I understand why you want this completed early in the week”). You’re still showing value and dedication- but you’re also maintaining your sanity. Related: How to Tell Your Boss No Without Saying No While it might be difficult to say no and stick to it initially, practicing assertiveness based on the priorities you’ve identified and commitment to delegating when appropriate will not only help you shed your reputation as the office pushover, but it will improve the quality of your life. Building a successful business or career takes a lot of self-respect and requires having a thick skin and knowing when to say no. Start with these steps, and you’ll be on your way to building a reputation based on the quality of your work, not the quantity you take on. Photo of woman at work courtesy of Shutterstock.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Top Choices of Pediatric Nurse Resume

Top Choices of Pediatric Nurse Resume The cover letter has to be error free. Developing a cover letter may be tedious task as you may be stuck in a rut in regard to what to write. It is essential to produce a short yet brief cover letter. Writing a business letter isn't simple, especially if you're not accustomed to it. Frequently, absolutely free resumes end with a list of referees who might be called on to deliver some information about you. Just insert the info you require, and that's it. Make sure that you get the info you're looking for. All you have to do is simply insert your information into the particular fields. In the end, you may use the nursing resumes at any stage in your career. Your objective statement should have the ability to show employers that you've got the skills, expertise, and experience they are searching for in the nurse they try to hire. If you're a nursing student trying to find a part-time or a full-time job at a health institution, then yo u could take the aid of this cover letter template for nursing students. Decision-Making One of the main functions of a telephone triage nurse is to decide whether or not a patient needs care and if that's the case, what type of care. Fully being a pediatric nurse practitioner usually means that you've specialized skills and experience, and your document should demonstrate these. It is critical that a pediatric nurse understands that to be a nurse, you require a specific nature and knowledge of the area. Write an accredited practical nurse or private therapy. The Pediatric Nurse Resume Trap Most importantly, the advantage of giving back to your community through service is among the ultimate advantages. When it comes to CNA classes, online services supply you with all the crucial knowledge that will help you ace the written portion of the certification exam, and a number of the much better programs out there even offer students chances to acquire practical clinical experience although not from home, needless to say. You've got different education, experience, and techniques. Hands-on skills cannot be learned online, and based on which state you are living in, only the theoretical portion of your education can be done online or none in any respect. Besides enjoying a great financial outlook, many pediatric nurses gain a strong awareness of fulfillment simply through the action of helping people. You have to draft a cover letter that does not only presents your abilities but also makes a potent impression in the mind of the employer. A well-written cover letter can set an effective impression and solidify your odds of bagging the job. Pediatric Nurse Resume: No Longer a Mystery Utilizing the pediatric nurse practitioner resume sample for a guide, make certain you include all the skills that illuminate your abilities. Sample Cover letter for Pediatric Nurse It is necessary to understand the value of cover letter for Pediatric Nurse as a way to stand yourself different from several other candidates. If you are searching f or Paramedic Cv Template you've come to the proper spot. Use the graduate nurse resume that's offered in PDF format to design your physician's resumes. When it has to do with nursing resumes, you should go all out and select simply the best options out there. Our MSN with a PNP specialty is intended to assist you promote lasting shift in the health care field by giving kids and caregivers the knowledge they should form healthful lifestyles at a youthful age. Vital Pieces of Pediatric Nurse Resume Employers wish to employ experienced nurses so they can be confident in regards to the treatment which their children are given. You have the ability to concentrate on ensuring that vulnerable children have the very best care. To be a healthcare professional that specializes in working with children, several steps will need to get taken. Little children are usually fearful of healthcare settings. Employers search for the latest experience when evaluating work history. Most job a dvertisements tell what specific abilities and traits they are searching for. There are lots of career choices for those interested in pediatric nursing. Entry-level nurses make the error of listing each of their experiences in their resumes simply to boost the particulars of their professional experience. Your CV should demonstrate your possible value to your prospective employer. Medical practitioners and trainees may also apply these templates. The structure of a resume template is intended to help job seekers in both organizing their information along with providing a specific stability when implementing alterations intended to appeal to a particular employer. You may also opt to design high-quality resumes for business purposes. The Unexposed Secret of Pediatric Nurse Resume Don't make the descriptions sound as if you are speaking personally. The Objective section serves as an introduction of sorts. A template functions as a format structure for a document like a resu me. No matter your degree of job practical understanding, your resume format is crucial to making your application stick out. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you must know anything about my professional profile. There's nobody right means to structure a resume. To get essay online, you merely will need to fill in the application form and you'll get superior work on the desired topic. The third kind is the combinational kind of resume which as the name hints at, borrows features from both of the other kinds. Furthermore, you may use the demand for your services to find a higher salary. Making certain that all medical staff knows of new recommendations can aid in improving patient outcomes. Creating a resume for the very first time can be challenging because it's tricky to figure out the most essential information employers wish to see in a nurse's resume. If you are searching for Cv Template For Residency Application you've come to the proper spot.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Who Is Lying to Us About Internship Resume Objective?

Who Is Lying to Us About Internship Resume Objective? The Basics of Internship Resume Objective No matter your degree of job knowledge, your resume structure is vital to making your program stick out. Your resume should be formatted in an easy, professional way. Even though most of resumes should offer info in your work and education experience, along with your abilities and achievements, there are many methods to present this info. Although resume objectives are getting more obsolete in favor of career summaries, in some specific conditions, it is logical to incorporate an objective. Hunting for unique ideas is one of the most exciting events. however, it can also be bored when we might not obtain the wanted ideas. It's crucial you construct a resume that's well-written and contains important information like professional abilities and educational background. After the skills section you're able to mention the experiences you've had in the business. Because you will probably have little if any expert experience, don't hesitate to fill your education section with an abundance of information. The Foolproof Internship Resume Objective Strategy A strong, concise internship resume objective may help you stick out from a lengthy collection of internship candidates. Browse thousands of Resume Objectives Samples to find out what it requires to stand out. An effective internship resume objective is necessary to stand out as the proper internship candidate. Your resume should not mention your individual hobbies, unless these have an immediate bearing on your favorit e career path. See the included Internship resume for a complete example. In addition, you can look for internships on Monster. Customize your resume for the various internships you're applying for. Engineering internships may also get you relevant work experience, assisting you to become workforce ready before going into the work market for a graduate. Internship Resume Objective - Overview If you opt to incorporate an objective, don't forget that it's only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. You ought to be creative and you need to have a research skill. With some research it's possible to learn to appropriately utilize them. Definitions of Internship Resume Objective Career objectives are intended to be employer-centered. Now you know why goals are a crucial part of an internship or entry-level job and the way to set fantastic ones, go use your new understanding! Your aims should help you and the business. Moreover, internship goals ought to have a particular concentrate on learning. A well-written one is going to impress on the hiring manager the methods by which you are a best candidate for the job. Alternatively, you should decide on a goal for your summer internship. At Apple, interns are an essential portion of the group. Landing an internship will be able to help you answer this question by allowing you to test the waters in front of a complete commitment. What you've written To look for a position that will enable me to boost my present-day programming won't inspire everyone to interview or hire you. The objective ought to be specific and paint a photo of what you would like to do in the fashion market. No matter your degree of job practical understanding, your resume format is vital to making your program stick out. Regardless of your level of job practical knowledge, it is essential to making your program stand out. Therefore, highlighting your finest qualities as a civil engineer that may help you provide needed solutions for the business in your objective will definitely get most recruiters' interest. Coming with the capability to make sure that project structures are completed in the due moment. Coming with experience and capability to ensure projects are performed efficiently. A lot of the jobs in the biotech industry call for a certain set of skills.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Unknown Details Into Good Resume Adjectives That Most People are not Aware Of

The Unknown Details Into Good Resume Adjectives That Most People are not Aware Of How to Choose Good Resume Adjectives There is a very big scope of verbs which can be used. Nothing dilutes the effect of action verbs than being surrounded by a number of other action verbs! Be certain to be thoughtful once you use action verbs. If you don't get a good reason to broaden your variety, the below success verbs can cover most bullets you may think about. The best method to find the most crucial nouns for you is to have a number job descriptions for the work type you're seeking and search for common nouns used. Instead, think about the areas that you want to highlight and choose exciting adjectives to bring out your very best qualities. It's possible for you to choose adjectives to suit the area or department you would like to enter. Below are lots of top notch Good Adjectives For Resume pics online. Resumes are somewhat more effective with the perfect adjectives. Definitions of Good Resume Adjectives When claiming medical expenses it's always important to continue to keep your receipts. When it may appear tedious, you always will require in order to customize each letter to fit the specific responsibility of which you're using. The cover letter is going to be a significant opportunity to demonstrate company the way in which the work position is attractive to you and why you desire to get employed by their company. An effec tive cover letter must be compelling yet to-the-point to avoid wasting a person's time. A project manager is a crucial portion of the infrastructure of any business. Evaluate your skills and determine if you might be eligible for work in various industries. Organized As most employees have to get organized to a particular degree to do efficiently, you can't tell hiring personnel that you've such a trait, as you may be setting up a false expectation that you're more organized than other candidates. Any of your pals or students at school may need a tutor. Organizational skills are wanted for everyone in assistant or managerial positions. Find out how to compose a teacher resume. The Debate Over Good Resume Adjectives A typical driver at the ideal automobile has a far greater shot at winning more than the best driver in an ordinary automobile. For example, you can use diligent to reveal your love of a work well done, dedicated to clearly show your passion, motivation and willingness, and confident to demonstrate your understanding of yourself and your capacity to accomplish any task without hesitating or being afraid. The internet technology is a great method to produce simple and quick money. This sort of verb shows your capacity to be successful. Should you need a person to edit your CV, just make an application for assistance with your resume. Excellent rating and superior reviews should tell you whatever you need to understand about this excellent writing service. The info on your resume is a significant element in landing you your dream job, which explains why you should learn the best suggestions for writing a great resume. Always consider the reader requirements. The Debate Over Good Resume Adjectives After having a look at the example provided below, you should be able to find a notion of how you wish to get started composing your own. The impression you make it from the second illustration is considerably more powerful. The point is to grab focus at the appropriate key phrases to create maximum effect. Besides the aforementioned elements, there are a lot of special elements within the individual like the inability to detect that the man or woman is lying, lots of slipping on their feet and a good deal more. The Ultimate Good Resume Adjectives Trick Employers will probably be sifting through plenty of resumes, therefore it's no use being subtle. Companies think their workplace is stressful and would like to make certain job seeke rs can deal with the stress, he explains. Companies know that military veterans are a few of the best trained maintenance resources out there. If you're taking a look at creative jobs, you may want to think about the verb designed. Certified Mail providers have to be purchased along with the postage price of special products. Be certain to look in the university that you're applying to just before writing your resume cover letter so that you might incorporate a small enthusiasm to reveal why you'd like to operate there. It's quite tricky to acquire an outstanding undertaking of realtor. A superb instance is led meetings. Instead, utilize quite a few terms which best describe your accomplishments to show employers the range of your achievements. The Ideal Approach for Good Resume Adjectives If you don't, you may be in for a huge trouble in your interview. You might go through the effort to discover ideal synonyms, but really, the very best approach to go is to use the words in the work description. Just make sure n ot to overembellish, or you might get into trouble during the interview. A work interview shouldn't arrive to the words you useyou think.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Ultimate Manual to Graduation Date on Resume

The Ultimate Manual to Graduation Date on Resume There are a lot of things to consider if you would like to find your expected graduation date. Also note which you do not need to use the formal class title. If you're an undergrad, you might still have the time to compensate for your earlier carelessness in not keeping up your grades. The ideal way to do so is to incorporate the anticipated graduation date. The War Against Graduation Date on Resume Option 1 There are a couple of distinct techniques to incorporate that you attended college. This list will stop you from making these resume blunders. There are two things you will need to learn if you would like to understand how to list education in progress on your resume. When you quit attending an educational application, you demonstrate the capability to abandon a path until a more appropriate moment. It isn't necessary to include your street address, even though the city and state may be useful if looking for a positio n in that geographic place. Let your education do the heavy lifting for the time being, even if you currently have a little bit of work experience. The absolute most important point to keep in mind while you document your education is honesty. Not everybody who attends college completes it, for any reason. Vital Pieces of Graduation Date on Resume Existing students or recent college graduates will probably want to place the education section to the top of the resume. Otherwise, if may look like you've already got the degree. Eventually, you've enough to finish your degree. As soon as it's tempting to have into explaining why you haven't yet completed your graduate degree, it's not necessarily a good idea to dwell on it. For instance, if you earned your degree 15 decades ago and began working in your present career track precisely the same calendar year, you will actually raise questions regarding your age by not including your degree dates. There are two primary possibilities, depending upon whether the degree is necessary for the job that you're seeking. For placement on your resume, take into consideration where you're in your career and that which you need to emphasize. If you don't have a great deal of work experience to show your abilities and capabilities at work, it can be important to list any appropriate college coursework, even when you didn't graduate with a degree. The date may also work against young people It is not just older applicants who might want to refrain from providing their graduation year. In case it fits with your schedule, I would be eager to talk with you via telephone before that date. If possible, request information about how your work has helped the agency and in case you have permission to utilize it like an instance of your success. While traditional knowledge states your anticipated gradation date is going to be four years after you initially enroll, this isn't true for everybody. These seven tips can help you determine how to finish the Education section of your resume. It's possible to list these items following your education, if you've got less than three items to list. Since you may see, it isn't challenging to understand how to list education in progress on a resume. For the time being, list education prior to your work experience first. Most importantly, be strategic about anything you set in your education section. If you've got five to seven decades of experience, set your education at the base of the resume with your graduation date. Whether you include high school is dependent on your circumstance. There are various schools of thought on this, therefore it's really your decision. The Nuiances of Graduation Date on Resume Or, do you feel that omitting the graduation date is an intelligent method to advertise the best qualities that could maximize your odds of being called in for an interview. In this instance, you need to highlight your academic successes. Examples can supply you with advice on how to structure your resume and what type of language to include. There are many different reasons a candidate might or might not be considered. Choosing Graduation Date on Resume Federal law prohibits discrimination in all facets of employment for those 40 years old and older. Employers love to realize that yo u're motivated by the opportunity to learn not only by a paycheck. Just consider it your very first step in convincing employers that you've got the qualifications they require. You would like a possible employer to feel like you've focused your resume on them specifically. Potential employers might be impressed by your ambition and you'll receive a realistic sense of professional prospects and the true work atmosphere. As soon as you build your LinkedIn Profile, look at listing your private URL below your name. Readers want to learn what you've done recently to add value in the companies you've been associated with. Conversely, should you happen to seem much younger than your work history would suggest, you can want to depart from your graduation date to help establish the entire breadth of your accomplishments particularly if you're targeting senior leadership roles.