Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to Write an Honest Cover Letter

How to Write an Honest Cover LetterHow to Write an Honest Cover Letter18brutally honest cover letter, youve got to read the happy ending. Then, if youre a job seeker, get to work writing an honest cover letter of your own.Lets set aside the much-debated topic of whether or elend to even include a cover letter with your resume and agree that the correct answer is yes. Lets also face the facts- an honest cover letter can help your application stand out to a recruiter who is looking through hundreds of applications. Whether or not you actually get the job depends on your qualifications matching the skills required and the strength of your interview. The ability to show personality in a cover letter is a skill to cultivate.All that being said, here are four tips for writing an honest cover letterWhen writing an honest cover letter, consider the industry in your tone.The tone of Mr. Ross cover letter wouldnt go over well in all cases. He showed an understanding of the culture of the inves tment banking industry and the company he wanted to work for. The voice a job seeker uses to introduce themselves will give a recruiter a good feel for whether or not the personality will be a good fit for their company and culture.Be direct, but polite.Acknowledge the challenge. Maybe you are a bit of a long-shot for this job. Perhaps the competition is particularly fierce. Address the elephant in the room and be courteous in requesting consideration. But dont stop there. Quickly outline two or three ways that show how you fit the job description.Connect the dots.If there are obvious questions a company will have about your application, talk about them. Explain why youve switched jobs every year for the past five years. Tell them how youve kept your professional self relevant during an employment gap. Highlight transferable skills that make this career change realistic.Be humble, yet confident.If you know you can be great at a particular job, but need a chance to prove yourself and learn from others, a willingness to be mentored or to take an internship can turn into a full-time job. Just ask Matthew Ross.Readers, have you ever sent a brutally honest cover letter like this? Tell us about it and whether or not you got the job

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Marine Corps Enlistment Bonus Program

Marine korporation Enlistment bonbon ProgramMarine studentencorps Enlistment naturalrabatt ProgramThe Marine Corps Enlistment Bonus Program provides monetary and education enlistment incentives to attract highly qualified applicants into designated programs containing critically short Military Occupational Specialties (MOS). These bonuses are offered to fill technical fields with high prerequisites and to entice applicants to ship to recruit training during certain times of the year. (MOS Bonus and Shipping Bonus) Bonuses in the military typically are offered at two times in a military members career. Depending upon the needs of the military, just signing up can make you some extra money. Agreeing to go to boot camp at a specific time of the year can add to that bonus, and when your term of enlistment is expired, you can also receive a re-enlistment bonus depending upon the job you have in the military. Some bonus programs will offer active duty and reservist members of the military to actually change Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) at the time of their re-enlistment to fill critically needed personnel needs in some career fields. Marine Corps MOS Bonus and the Shipping Bonus Recruits seeking employment in the military and interested in a highly needed MOS may be eligible for signing bonuses when joining any branch of service. Specifically, the United States Marine Corps seeks recruits that are highly qualified to receive up to two enlistment incentives The USMC MOS Bonus is basically a signing bonus for joining the Marine Corps. To fully qualify for the MOS Bonus, a recruit must stay in the needed MOS throughout the duration of the enlistment time. Shipping bonus ?are lump-sum bonuses at the completion of basic training for agreeing to leave for boot camp at a specific time of the year. The needs of the Marine Corps change throughout the year and from year to year. Depending upon these needs for certain MOSs, open ship to boot camp dates, and amoun ts may vary. Contact a local Marine Corps recruiter for the most current specific details on the most critical needs of the Marine Corps. Typical requirements for shipping bonuses for a recruit agreeing to depart for boot camp are the following If you agree to ship during the months of December and May you can receive up to $3,000 after graduation from boot camp. For the months of June through November, you can receive $2,000. The typical term of service to be eligible for shipping bonuses are 5 years in length, and you should score at least a 50 on the AFQT. Other basic requirements must be met to receive MOS and Shipping Bonuses- No drug use during Delayed Entry Program- No felony convictions- No drug or moral waiver- High School Diploma or at least 15 college credits- Must meet all the requirements for selected MOS option. Marine Corps Re-Enlistment Bonus During more than 15 years of sustained combat missions for the country, with no end in sight, the need for the warfighter p ositions are just as important as the highly technical MOSs for the Marine Corps. Increasing numbers within the Infantry, RECON, Artillery, as well as highly technical MOSs like Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Cyber Warfare, Intelligence Specialist, is needed during times of high combat op tempo in the Marine Corps. Some of the first time re-enlistees in the Infantry can receive $10-15,000, and more senior members can get $25,000 or more as a bonus. Changing into some of these critical MOS can offer a bonus of up to $50,000. Marine Corps Reserve Re-Enlistment Bonus Keeping highly qualified Marines in the Reserves has been a priority of the Marine Corps for the past decade. The USMC Reserves offer monetary and education bonuses for re-enlisting for a specific term of service. Some bonuses are paid in lump sum or spread through the term of re-enlistment in specific MOS. The option to change MOS and gain training in a critically needed job is also an option within the Reserves as wel l. Reserve E-5 and E-6 with less than 14 years of service can receive up to $20,000 if they change MOSs into the careers of human intelligence specialist, RECON, Cyber Security Specialist, EOD, Ground Electronics Systems Maintenance, and various Aviation Maintenance MOSs to name a few. You must complete the MOS school to receive the bonuses if you agree to change MOS during your career. If you do not complete your required service obligation due to misconduct, you may have to pay back the loan unless there are early release programs that occur during your term of re-enlistment. USMC BUDGET 2017

Friday, December 20, 2019

Americans becoming more socially isolated, but not lonelier

Americans becoming more socially isolated, but not lonelierAmericans becoming more socially isolated, but not lonelierAre Americans becoming lonelier?On May 1, NPR reported on a survey about loneliness conducted by Cigna, a large health insurance company. Cigna asked over 20,000 American adults if they agreed with statements like People are around me but not with me and No one really knows me well. The survey found that younger Americans were lonelier than older Americans.But while doing research for my upcoming book on empathy and social relationships, I found that the story is a bit more complicated than this.How to study lonelinessThe Cigna study is far too limited to tell us why young people appear to be lonelier. Is it because younger people are in a normal lonelier life stage before finding a partner and having children? Or is it because there have been generational increases in loneliness? The only way scientists could know if there have been generational changes would be to c ompare young people today to young people in earlier times.The Cigna survey used the UCLA Loneliness Scale, one of the best available measures of loneliness. But just because a survey has 20,000 respondents doesnt mean its high quality. Who were the respondents? Did they reflect the general U.S. population in terms of age, gender and other factors? Without more details about the survey methods, its hard to know how to interpret it.Thankfully, some peer-reviewed studies have examined changes over time in loneliness and social isolation. Loneliness is the subjective feeling of social disconnection. Social isolation is more objective. It includes living alone, having very few social ties, not having people to confide in, and not spending time with others very often.Although lonely people are sometimes more socially isolated, this is not always the case. Its possible to feel lonely, even when surrounded by people. And its possible to have a few friends, enjoying deep connections with th em along with times of solitude.Research finds that loneliness and social isolation are equally bad for health. On average, people who report being lonely have a 26 percent increased risk of death compared to those who are not lonely. Those who live alone have a 32 percent increased risk of death, and those who are socially isolated have a 29 percent increased risk of death.Loneliness over timeOne study tracked changes in over 13,000 college students from 1978 to 2009. The researchers found that millennials actually reported less loneliness than people born earlier.But since the study welches on college students, the researchers wondered whether they would find these results in a more general American population. So, they tracked changes over time in a nationally representative sample of over 385,000 students high school students between 1991 to 2012.In order to measure loneliness, participants were asked whether they agreed with statements that indicated loneliness, like I often fe el left out of things and I often wish I had more good friends. Statements like There is always someone I can turn to if I need help and I usually have a few friends around I can get together with measured social isolation.As in the first study, the researchers found students reported declines in loneliness over time. However, they actually found increases over time in social isolation.This corresponds with nationally representative government data showing that the percentage of people in the U.S. who live alone nearly doubled from 7.6 percent in 1967 to 14.3 percent in 2017.Americans also seem to have fewer confidantes. The average number of people that Americans say they can talk to about important things declined from 2.94 in 1985 to 2.08 in 2004.Experiencing isolationTaken together, this published research finds that young people in the U.S. may be more socially isolated in recent years, but are paradoxically becoming less lonely. There doesnt appear to be an epidemic of lonelin ess, but perhaps there is one of social isolation.Its possible that socially isolated people are turning to social media to treat their feelings of loneliness. This could make them feel less lonely in the short run, but these connections can be more about quantity than quality. They arent necessarily the people Americans get together with in person or turn to when we need help. And people often use social media when they are actually alone in a room on a screen.In my view, future research should try to better understand why there are different trends in loneliness versus isolation. But, since both are equally bad for our health, its important to nurture our connections with others both erreichbar and off.Sara Konrath, Assistant Professor of Philanthropic Studies, Indiana University-Purdue University IndianapolisThis article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Revealed The 20 Companies with the Best Pay Gaps Between CEOs and Workers

Revealed The 20 Companies with the Best Pay Gaps Between CEOs and WorkersRevealed The 20 Companies with the Best Pay Gaps Between CEOs and WorkersWerecently releaseda new visualization highlighting companies with the largest pay gaps between their CEOs and their average worker. The latestSEC rulerequiring companies to publish these figures doesnt always mean that a company is put in a negative light. In fact, the figures also indicate the companies where the average Joe and a CEO arent so far apart on the pay scale.Check out the figures here.Similar to ur previous article, we found our numbers through theAFL-CIO, a labor union with an interest in the wellbeing of modell workers. We placed a photo of each CEO directly above his or her compensation and the median workers pay. We then drew a circle representing the gap between the two CEOs. This approach lets you quickly see which companies compensate their CEOs and average workers at about the same levels.Pay ratios can be a tricky thi ng because there are two ways to make it onto this list. First, as you might expect, a company can pay its workers an extremely high wage, usually in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is most commonly seen in technology companies like Facebook or Many of the other companies on the list are small tech startups. The people who work for these companies are in very high demand, and their companies are forced to pay higher wages as a result. This in turn creates a favorable pay ratio in our visualization.But a company doesnt necessarily have to pay its workers a great wage to create a better pay ratio. Instead, a company might pay its CEO a nominal salary because he or she is already independently wealthy. This would have the effect of artificially closing the gap between the chief executive and average workers. Berkshire Hathaway, the top company in terms of pay ratios, is a case in point. Warren Buffett is already worth about$85 billion, so its not like the comp any can incentivize him with a high salary.The last thing worth mentioning is that companies have a lot of discretion over what they count in these numbers. For example, companies can decide whether to include employees of subsidiaries when calculating median pay. Suppose a company has lots of underpaid contractors doing the real work, while relatively few people enjoy regular employment status. In fact, some of the names listed on our visualization dont pass the smell test. Its very likely they excluded most of their workforce in coming up with these numbers, but we wont mention their names here.One more thing these companies have the lowest pay gaps between CEOs and average workers, but pause for a moment. The lowest pay gaps are still 30 to 50 times the average persons income. For every $1.00 the average Joe brings home, the average CEO on our list makes $38.80. Although these pay gaps arent that big compared to the rest of corporate America, theres still a massive difference in compensation.DataTable 1.1

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Top Resume Buzz Words Choices

Top Resume Buzz Words Choices Lies Youve Been Told About Resume Buzz Words Moreover, theres no strong reason behind retaining the very first accent in the English word. As soon as you have spell checked your resume, take a close look during its general look. In the instance of resume, theres a strong reason behind making a change from the historical spelling. Whenever you havent updated your resume in some time, it can be difficult to understand where to get started. Key Pieces of Resume Buzz Words Include details like the sort of organizational systems you implemented in a former job. The skills section also tells what you are able to increase the company for a cashier and not what youve been doing so long. The Strengths section needs to be positioned toward the peak of your resume, underneath the Profile. The very first big section of your resume is known as the Career Objective. Keywords from the work announcement has to be utilized throughout the resume to reveal the reader which youre capable of being the candidate they are trying to find. When youre looking to land up a job in a reputable business house you will want to get a detailed resume. Technology plays a main part in the inner sales world, and a phone isnt the only tool that inside salespeople utilize. Mobile technology is continually changing, so many businesses wish to employ in-house talent to keep yourself updated with the ever-shifting sector. Resume Buzz Words Explained Consider if its the summary ansicht would be proper for you or just nix it altogether to conserve space and concentrate on making the remainder of your resume stellar. When you submit an application for work in person, you might be requested to complete a paper application. It is essential that you show that youre up for the challenge. Whatever They Told You About Resume Buzz Words Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why If you consider sample resumes online, you are going to observe dozens of distinct formats and r esume templates. Lots of people who have to compose a resume while applying for their very first job have hesitations since they arent certain what information to include and what things to lead off with. If you submit your application online, you also need to have a chance to attach your resume. Depending on the help of our expert sources, here are a number of broad sorts of skills your resume could include, together with unique approaches to express them. Resume Buzz Words Explained Some of the greatest buzzwords arent trendy, and you dont will need to appear far to locate them. Be conscious of buzzwords since it isnt the exact same as keywords. Every term should be spelled out. Keep away from repetition, and just utilize words that you understand. Employed as a project coordinator is a significant role, so resist the desire to add decorative flourishes to generate your resume stand out. Numbers stick out in a sea of text, in addition, it makes your writing much easier to read. Read their mission statement and see whether there are any essential words or concepts you may use from that. Also, make certain the skills you add are the absolute most relevant to your career objectives and the strongest. In the work market, its important to give a minumum of one keyword in your resume 2016, and if you wish to know useful keywords you are able to put in your paper, here are a few of the list resume keywords 2016-2017. Youve reached among the best sources for resume information anywhere. Ultimately, you are going to end up with a fairly complete collection of keywords that are related to the job and your suitability for it. Thus by utilizing clever formatting techniques youre able to make koranvers that your resume is equipped to entice the readers attention to the particular details which you want them to see. Just upload your resume in their system then paste the whole job description to begin the comparison. If your resume format isnt correct the reader might not even observe the info that theyre looking for. The Rise of Resume Buzz Words For instance, you may have headlined 10 events before couple of years. If you want to bring a number to it, dont use your birth year. Youre able to italicize subheadings like company names and dates too. You have to scan lots of resumes daily, seeking the most relevant and interesting for them. Resume Buzz Words No Longer a Mystery As a skilled business analyst job candidate, you know more on the subject of business analysis than the normal recruiter. If youre searching for a rewarding career for a project manager, you are going to need a project manager resume that provides potential employers with an extensive summary of your skills, expertise, and experience. Employers like to realize that you have work experience of some sort, at least. Highlight your organization analysis accomplishments and help it become crystal clear that youre qualified for the varieties of BA jobs to w hich youre applying. Businesses are interested in finding marketers that are masters of industry tools. Employers often utilize Boolean searches to seek out local professionals. They will want to know the level ofcommunication skills you have and how well you work with others.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Summa Cum Laude on Resume

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Summa Cum Laude on Resume The Nuiances of Summa Cum Laude on Resume The examples above demonstrate that youre able to write cum laude on your resume in many ways. Magna cum laude could be second to summa cum laude. however, its a remarkable achievement especially in some hard courses. Some schools, but dont utilize GPA strictly and rather look at a proportion of the very best students for the honors. Doing well in school and graduating with distinction isnt worth as much as experience or very good recommendations a number of years in the future, but it might help you stick out in the crowded job market, especially when youre a new graduate. Only undergraduate students are entitled to degrees of distinction. To start with, a student needs to be awarded departmental honors before they are sometimes recommended for the Latin honors. Things You Wont Like About Summa Cum Laude on Resume and Things You Will A huge company might be hiring in se veral departments at the same time. Its typically a fantastic idea to distribution policy this section to the top, or so the hiring manager can observe these critical skills whenever possible. If youre asking for work at a law firm, ensure it remains formal. The resume is among the main absatzwirtschaft and advertising tools a legal professional possesses when seeking to earn work change. Hiring managers will locate your work experience a lot more relevant at this point in your career. Likewise, as your experience grows, you are going to be in a position to bring the most relevant details. Older experience might also be shown in the Summary of Experience paragraph also. Describe the excellent Job CandidateYou Details of Summa Cum Laude on Resume Its unlikely you are going to have an honors section devoted to school achievements. The honor is nearly always dependent of grades and academic record, but it might also incorporate some reflection of extracurricular pursuits and general well-roundedness. In different fields, academic honors might be less crucial to success. In any close competition involving you and several different candidates, your hard-earned honors just may be the difference-maker you should come out on topKeep the awards related to your job and industry. Nominations from professors and peers might also be required. An Honors and Awards section is only the means to do that. Putting Honors and Awards on your resume can do so, but only as long as you utilize the appropriate ones. A HR employer doesnt care you have five decades of experience as a ballet dancer. As HR, youre the very first impression of the company for potential employees, therefore its important to emphasize good communication abilities. Also note the method by which the applicant hints at how their skills can help the business. Especially whenever there are countless different applicants with similar qualifications and abilities. For more information about how to structure a graduate school resume, take a look at our guide on how best to compose a graduate school resume. Most importantly, be strategic about anything you place in your education section. Your education section should always arrive directly following your header. If youre a seasoned professional, place your professional work history section prior to your education. Seriously, all you have to do is take another look at the examples in the preceding section, and select the format you find to your liking. Employing an online resume builder is a very simple and efficient means of writing a winning resume which will get you through the interview stage. Utilizing a resume template enables you to rapidly attain this. Weve provided a few examples below. The seats are situated in risers. If you arent a student and have more relevant work experience, you wont be fighting to fill space and it might be more beneficial to concentrate on other regions of your resume. Keep in m ind, looking good on paper is simply step one. So crafting an effective resume is imperative to be able to put your very best foot forward. There are times that you will need just a little something extra. However, it isnt really something similar. Individuals who completed their requirements the preceding August, had have degrees awarded, but chose to take part in the December ceremony in place of the preceding May. If youre a November or March graduate, you take part in the next Mays ceremony, following your degree was awarded. There are various Latin honor systems based on the nation. For more information, please look at our honor society page.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Remote Sales Jobs Available Now!

Remote abverkauf Jobs Available Now With remote jobs and the field of technical sales booming, theres no better time to find a remote sales job. SaaS companies often end up with distributed sales teams in order to meet their customers needs, so going remote is a natural next step. Thats not to say its easy... sales is tough and youll still want to feel supported by your team. That said, when companies have strong remote cultures and solid training practices, theres no reason you should feel alone just because you dont live near your team. Ultimately, you dont need to be in a particular location to make sales calls, deliver pitches, or send follow-up emails. And if you have to fly from an office to meet a client, you can just as easily fly from your hometown. If youre a self-starter with a love for sales, one of these remote sales jobs just might be for you Average Annual Salaries for Remote Sales JobsRemote Account Executive/Manager $56,390Remote Sales/geschftliches miteinander Devel opment Rep $59,333Remote Sales Director $82,525Remote Sales Jobs Available Now Regional Sales Director (Remote - Bay Area) Pluralsight San Francisco, CA, United States (flexible) landsee details Sales Development Representative Toggl Remote see details Business Development Representative Remote see details Account Manager (West- Remote) Dow Jones Company, Inc. NY, United States (flexible) see details Account Executive - Channel Relativity LLC Remote see details Account Manager, Student Memberships (Central- Working remotely) Dow Jones Company, Inc. Remote see details Enterprise Account Executive Remote see details Strategic Account Executive - Southeast Smartsheet Inc. FL, United States (flexible) see details Regional Sales Consultant - Remote T. Rowe Price MD, United States (flexible) see details Regional Sales Manager - Commercial Direct Sales (Chicago or remote Indiana) Dell EMC Chicago, IL, United States (flexible) see details Senior Director Enterprise Sales - West - Secureworks Sales (Remote - US) Dell EMC Austin, TX, United States (flexible) see details Networking Sales Specialist - Houston, Texas (Remote) Dell EMC Houston, TX, United States (flexible) see details Data Center Sales Executive - Manhattan NYC (Remote) Dell EMC New York City, NY, United States (flexible) see details Data Center Sales Manager - Chicago, IL (Remote) Dell EMC IL, United States (flexible) see details Account Executive, Commercial Direct Sales (Remote Orlando, F L) Dell EMC FL, United States (flexible) see details Director, Network Sales and Systems Engineering - Western Region (Remote) (Open) Dell EMC KS, United States (flexible) see details Enterprise Account Executive - Wisconsin - Secureworks Sales (Remote) Dell EMC Madison, WI, United States (flexible) see details From Your Site Articles Remote Work Round-Up - PowerToFly Blog Remote Work vs. Telecommuting Key Differences - PowerToFly Blog One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latt er category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot mora to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presente d in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high -paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plagui ng the construction industry.