Thursday, July 2, 2020

Job Search Resources Online

Job Search Resources Online Do you have your online profiles established to gain access to the ever increasing number of job search resources that continue to flood the internet? Companies and organizations are online. Recruiters and HR professionals are online. Job boards, professional networking events, industry groups, and your competitionare all online! The news is also online and what better way to find out where the jobs are or where they will be! Facebook partners with Labour Department to help job-seekers. Labour Secretary Hilda Solis also hopes to expand this initiative to Twitter Linkedin and other social media sites. 3 million job openings Spaceport America conjures up spine-tingling future Forecasting 2000 jobs Target Canada now hiring for 2013 launch Starbucks U.S. microlending program aims to create jobs In the United States, small businesses hire more than half of all private-sector workers, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. But these businesses have been in a no-mans land of tight financing, with little capital to grow. According to Starbucks, for every $3,000 donated through the program, a job will be created or maintained. 5 Hot Jobs for Retirees, Two government agencies in particular the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Transportation Security Administration are known for seeking older workers. Both agencies have openings requiring little or no experience. 3,290,000,000 results are found if you google, jobs! Of course a successful job search will require a more specific search, one which may target a location, industry or organization. Do you have a company in mind? Did you know that company could be found on Linkedin and many of their employees are connected to the company as well as past employees? An old friend or relative may be one of them and can get you an interview or a past employee could provide advice to let you know they are planning to downsize and relocate outside the country. You will be amazed at the wealth of information you are able to dig up online and despite the millions of results, youll soon learn that so-and-so knows somebody that knows you and surprisingly it becomes a very small world. An online world which is easily manageable and not so overwhelming after all that enables you to seek out the opportunity that is right for you. Create your professional online profiles on Linkedin, Twitter and establish a Facebook Page. You will increase your presence to be easily found by the recruiter who is looking to find the perfect candidate and you will be amazed at the wealth of information available which may lead you to the perfect job!

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